
Blogger: put Lynton Crosby on Tory payroll full-time to end 'infection'

David Cameron risks a damaging "infection" over the business links of the Tory party's general election strategist unless Lynton Crosby is appointed on a full-time basis to avoid the perception of a conflict of interest, the influential ConservativeHome website has warned.
As Crosby's business partner accused the Guardian of launching a "vile mini jihad" against him, the editor of ConservativeHome challenged a ruling by the cabinet secretary, Sir Jeremy Heywood, that the "letter and spirit" of rules have been observed.
Paul Goodman wrote in a blogpost on the website: "Until or unless Crosby goes full time, the story won't go away, and its impact may deepen. It is rather like a graze that, though trivial in itself, is at risk of infection."
Goodman, a former shadow Tory minister, issued his warning after Heywood rejected a call by Ed Miliband for an inquiry into Crosby's business interests on the grounds that his work for the Conservative party is governed by "principles of engagement". These say that Crosby would not use his position at Conservative campaign headquarters (CCHQ) or his access to ministers to further his business interests and he would not use his access to lobby for changes in government policy.
Labour challenged Heywood over his ruling after the Conservative party admitted that the "principles of engagement" had been hastily drawn up in recent days as Crosby faced criticism of his business links. Jon Trickett, the shadow cabinet office minister, said the principles might be "unenforceable and worthless" if the prime minister were unaware of Crosby's business interests.
Crosby has faced questions over his business interests after it emerged that his company advises the tobacco group Philip Morris International. Cameron recently announced that the government would be shelving plans to introduce plain cigarette packaging, in the face of strong lobbying by the tobacco industry.
Goodman accepts Crosby's statement that he did not discuss tobacco policy with ministers and that he has not used his position as the Tories' chief election strategist to advance his business interests. But Goodman added: "The line between advice on policy (which Crosby doesn't give) and advice on strategy (which he certainly does) isn't the iron wall that Downing Street and CCHQ would like to assert: the one tends to meld into the other. And as long as the strategist has other clients, he is open to the charge of conflicts of interest – whether he publishes his client list or not."
Goodman added that Downing Street should act quickly. "The party needs Crosby. He is a quality operator with conservative convictions – a combination more rare than it might be. His full-time appointment would quell this wearisome rumpus. The current halfway house compromise won't do so."
The Conservative leadership is starting to put in place the funds to ensure Crosby can work full-time.
Crosby has not spoken in public since it emerged that his company, Crosby Textor, advises Philip Morris International. But his business partner Mark Textor has criticised journalists who have reported criticisms of their company.
Textor tweeted a link to a Daily Telegraph article which said the Crosby "story is fast losing its audience". He tweeted: "How the leftist @guardian's vile mini jihadi is fast losing its audience."
In his letter to the cabinet secretary, Trickett questioned the value of the "principles of engagement" governing Crosby's relationship with the party because No 10 and the Tory chairman, Grant Shapps, have suggested they do not know the identity of Crosby's clients.
Trickett wrote: "Clearly, if the prime minister and the Conservative party are unaware of who Mr Crosby's clients are – which is what the chairman of the Conservative party says is the case – then you will agree that the principles of engagement are unenforceable and worthless. In the interests of transparency Mr Crosby's company's full client list should be published immediately."
Trickett then asked Heywood to answer a series of questions about the principles:
• Were you or any civil servants involved in any way in the drawing up of the terms of engagement published yesterday?
• Did you know that the principles of engagement which you sent me had only been 'written down in the last couple of days'?
• Did you know about them before this week, and when did you first see them?
• Do you have any evidence at all that these principles have been followed?
• Are you personally satisfied that Lynton Crosby has had no discussions with the prime minister or other ministers about tobacco policy, alcohol policy, NHS policy or fracking policy?
• Are you personally satisfied that there is no possibility of a conflict of interests between Mr Crosby's roles as an adviser to the Conservative party and an adviser to commercial organisations?
• Do you know who Mr Crosby's commercial clients are, and in the interests of transparency will you ensure that a full list is published immediately?

Engaging Mr Crosby
Deciphering Sir Jeremy Heywood's letter to Ed Miliband

• "He has not been granted permission to have access government papers or attend government meetings … and does not have a No 10 security pass."
Meaning: Crosby does not attend official ministerial meetings but is free to visit Downing Street and Chequers when invited.
• "Nor does he advise or lobby government on government business, whether the legislative programme,or individual policy issues such as the regulation of cigarette packaging or fracking."
Meaning: Heywood repeats the prime minister's language – that Crosby has not lobbied him. Heywood does not repeat Crosby's statement that he has not spoken to the prime minister Cameron about tobacco policy.
• "To provide further reassurance in this particular case that both the letter and the spirit of the ministerial code are being adhered to, I attach the principles of engagement between Lynton Crosby and the Conservative party that have been the practice since Lynton Crosby was contracted by them … Against this background I do not see what purpose would be served by the inquiry that you propose."
Meaning: Heywood has given his imprimatur to the principles, which state that Crosby will not use his Tory position to further his business interests, even though they were hastily written down in recent days by the Tories as he faced criticism over potential conflicts of interest.